


∮ 蝦仁起司鑲蕃茄甜椒 Stuffed tomato & capsicum with cheese and shrimp ∮


★ 數量:2人份 / yield:2 serving 

★ 備料時間:10分鐘 / prep time:10mins 

★ 所需時間:20分鐘 / total time:20 mins


∮ 蝦仁起司鑲蕃茄甜椒所需食材 Ingredients for Stuffed tomato & capsicum with cheese and shrimp ∮


@ 番茄 2顆 \ 2 Tomatos

@ 紅or黃甜椒 1/2顆 \ 1/2 Capsicum

@ 香菇 2朵 \ 2 Mushrooms

@ 蝦仁 100克 \ 100g Shirmp

@ 洋蔥 1/2顆 \ 1/2 Onion

@ 玉米罐頭 2大匙 \ 2 Tablespoons Sweet corn

@ 帕馬森起司 適量 \ Parmesan cheese for topping

@ 鹽 適量 \ Salt for tasting

@ 黑胡椒 適量 \ Ground papper for tasting


∮ 蝦仁起司鑲蕃茄甜椒作法 Directions of Stuffed tomato & capsicum with cheese and shrimp ∮

1. 烤箱以190℃預熱,洋蔥切小丁備用

Pre-heat oven to 190℃, cut onion in small pieces, set aside.


2. 香菇和蝦仁也同樣切小丁備用。

Cut mushrooms & shrimp in small pieces, set aside.


3. 甜椒去籽,番茄去蒂挖出果肉,然後將番茄果肉放入乾淨的碗中備用。

Cut the capsicum in half and cut the top of tomatos, scoop out the seeds and flesh, set the tomato seeds and flesh in another bowl.



4. 平底鍋放入一大匙橄欖油,以中火將洋蔥炒至變軟並呈現淡淡的金黃色(約五分鐘),加入蕃茄果肉、香菇和玉米繼續拌炒3分鐘。

Heat the skillet on medium heat, add 1 tablespoon oilve oil and cook onion until soft and light golden brown (about 5 minutes), add tomato's flesh & seeds, mushrooms and sweet corn, cook for another 3 minutes.


5. 最後加入蝦仁翻炒3分鐘,接著加入鹽和黑胡椒調味後,起鍋備用。

Add shrimp and cook three more minutes then add salt and ground pepper for tasting, turn off the heat and set aside.



6. 將餡料填入番茄中,撒上適量的帕馬森起司,送入烤箱以190℃ 烤15~20分鐘至番茄與甜椒變軟並且起司融化呈現金黃色即可取出上桌。

Spoon mixture into tomatos and capsicum, sprinkle the parmesan on the top, bake for 15~20 minutes until soften and the cheese molten with golden brown color, serve hot.



烤好後的蕃茄與甜椒軟嫩又Juicy!! 再加上味道濃郁的起司與內餡,可以說是口感豐富又不膩口,



∮ 貼心小提醒 Notes 

※ 蝦仁也可以換成雞肉或是魚肉

Shrimp can be replaced with chicken or fish.

※ 烘烤時間請依家中烤箱熱度在最後幾分鐘做適當調整

You might want to check your stuffed tomato in the last few minutes in case they are overcooked.






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    Miss RoSong

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