話說這兩個星期小姐過的忙碌又充實,先前跟朋友規劃的繪本烹飪課悄悄展開,終於成功完成了兩堂課。我只能說~~帶著孩子們一起認識食材,一起煮菜還真是好玩(找一天再跟大家分享照片~)!! 話說上課當天,小姐也看到了孩子們與眾不同的創造力跟獨立性,然後也發現,很多時候,大人們都已經先幫小孩預設好”他只會做什麼“”他什麼不會做“這種觀念其實是多慮了。殊不知,孩子們其實比我們想像的還要棒,學習力非常快,做出來的成果也不輸大人;
會想要開烹飪分享課的另一個原因也是因為之前一直在外地生活,所以小姐有著深深的感受,周遭有一些室友跟朋友實在是有料理與廚房障礙,不是煎個蛋把鍋子燒焦,不然就是鹽跟糖傻傻分不清,更不用說吃飽喝足後自己的碗盤就像堆福德坑一樣丟在洗碗槽裡等著別人收拾.......這些林林總總的遭遇讓我更覺得,人不只要把書念好,更要有能力將自己的生活打理得更好,才不會無形中造成別人的負擔。以前都說,學音樂的孩子不會變壞(這是真的,小姐就是個好例子XDD),在我看來,現在可以說,學烹飪的孩子不止不會變壞,還可以餵飽自己嘉惠他人!! 話說回來,這回合,我們要來做失敗率有點高卻又很適合兩人餐桌的的烤香草舒芙蕾(話說七夕情人節快到了吧XDDD,還不速速練起來放),但是!!! 請大家莫驚莫慌莫害怕~ 我是覺得只要步驟都做對了,成功率還是有百分之90的~那就來個自我挑戰,一起試試看吧!!!
~~香草舒芙蕾 Vanilla Rum Soufflé~~
★ 數量:2個 / yield:about 2 vanilla rum soufflé
★ 備料時間:20分鐘 / prep time:20mins
★ 所需時間:12~15分鐘 / total time:12~15mins
~香草舒芙蕾所需食材 Ingredients for Vanilla Rum Soufflé~
The standard measuring cup (250ml) was been using in this recipe
@ 無鹽奶油 2大匙 (請先從冰箱取出放至室溫軟化) \ 2 Tablespoons unsalted butter (Soften, at room temperature)
@ 中筋麵粉 1大匙 \ 1 Tablespoons plain flour
@ 鮮奶 1/2杯 \ 1/2 Cup milk
@ 香草精 1/2茶匙 \ 1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract
@ 細砂糖或自製香草糖 3大匙 \ 3 Tablespoons caster or homemade vanilla sugar
(香草糖的做法請看本篇最後的貼心小提醒 See the direction of homemade vanilla sugar in the Notes of this recipe )
@ 雞蛋 2顆 (預先將蛋黃與蛋白分開) \ 2 Eggs (seperate egg yolk and white in two different bowl)
@ 鹽 1小撮 \ A pinch of salt
@ 蘭姆酒 1大匙 (可加可不加) \ 1 Tablespoon rum (Optional)
@ 糖粉 適量 \ powdered sugar for decorating
~做法 Directions~
1. 烤箱200℃(400℉) 預熱,將1大匙室溫軟化奶油平均塗在兩個烤模中,烤模均勻沾裹上1大匙細砂糖(香草糖)<沾裹方式請看貼心小提醒>,放置烤盤上,靜置一旁備用。
Preheat oven to 200℃ (400℉). Brush 2 ramekins with 1 Tbsp soften butter and sprinkle with 1 Tbsp sugar. Place on baking sheet and set aside. <See the direction of how to coat the ramekins with sugar in the Notes>
2. 將1大匙軟化的奶油放置平底鍋中,以中小火加熱融化,加入1大匙麵粉拌炒到看不到麵粉顆粒(約2分鐘)。
Melt 1 Tbsp soften butter in a saucepan with medium heat, add 1 Tbsp flour and cook for 2 minutes.
3. 倒入鮮奶,均勻混合拌炒至濃稠並且稍微成團後 (約3~4分鐘),熄火,倒入預先準備好地攪拌盆內備用。
Pour milk into flour mixture, stir constantly until smooth & thick (about 3~4 minutes), turn off the heat and transfer to a large bowl.
4. 接著用刮刀將蘭姆酒與麵漿混合均勻。
Stir Rum into batter mixture until well combined.
5. 加入兩顆蛋黃,香草精,攪拌均勻,靜置一旁備用。
Mix egg yolk and vanilla extract with batter mixture until smooth, set aside.
6. 將兩顆量的的蛋白放入另一個大碗中,用打蛋器攪打至起泡後,加入1大匙的細砂糖(或香草糖)
Whisk egg white in a mixing bowl until foamy, slowly add 1 Tbsp & whisk.
7. 接著加入剩下的1大匙砂糖,將蛋白繼續攪打至軟性發泡 (蛋白撈起時能成型並且不會滴下來)。
Add remaining 1 Tbsp sugar and continue to whisk until meringue is thick & hold it shape.
8. 將一半的打發蛋白拌入蛋黃粉漿中,以打蛋器輕拌均勻。
Flod half meringue into batter mixture with whisk until combined.
9. 最後將剩下的蛋白倒入粉漿中,以刮刀輕拌均勻。
Gently flod in the other half meringue with rubber spatulas until well combined.
10. 最後將粉漿倒入預先被好的烤模中,請留大約0.5公分的高度 (不然像小姐一樣填太滿很容易就爆漿囉...),放入烤箱烤12~15分鐘或至舒芙蕾高起並呈現金黃色。
Transfer the batter mixture to the prepared ramekins. Save 1/4 inch of space on the top of ramekins. (I accidentally added too much, but still look cute when its done ). Bake for 12~15 minutes, or until risen and golden browned.
Remove from the oven once its done and dust with powdered sugar, serve immediately (Souffle will shrink very quickly once it removes from the oven)
Did I mention that~~~~you will find out how delicious it is if add some vanilla or chocolate ICE CREAM in your lovely souffle!!
~貼心小提醒 Notes~
★ 香草糖的做法是:只要找一個玻璃瓶,洗淨晾乾後,放入香草豆莢,倒入細砂糖,靜置在陰涼處約一星期,Voilà~天然並有著淡淡香味的香草糖完成拉!!! 做好的香草糖可以拿來做甜點, 撒在法式吐司或新鮮水果上~然後不要忘記,要一直回填喔~
The direction of homemade vanilla sugar:Collect used vanilla pots which are already scraped the seeds, place in a clean glasses bottle, set in a dry cool spot in the kitchen for about a week. Voilà~ A nature vanilla flavor sugar is done, it can be used in the dessert, or sprinkle on French toast even the fresh berries~ Don't forget to refill once the sugar runs out~
★ 烤模沾裹砂糖的方式:沾有奶油的烤模放入一大匙砂糖,接著兩手托著烤模並緩緩轉動讓砂糖均勻沾上烤模,並將多餘的砂糖倒入另一個烤模中並重複同一個沾裹的動作即可。
How to coat ramekins with sugar:Add 1 Tbsp caster sugar in one buttered ramekin, hold the ramekin with two hands and slowly trun it to make the ramekin coat with sugar. Shake the rest of sugar in another ramekin, and repeat the same way of coating sugar.