新年第一發!我們就從熱量不低的小點心開始吧!! (放假在家裡,速速立馬做來吃!!)
今天廢話不多說~ 讓我們新年一開始就一起手牽手邁向充實又豐富的手作料理!!! 大家一起來呦~~~~
∮ 派對小點★焦糖爆米花★ Caramel Popcorn ∮
★ 數量:2人份 / yield:2 serving
★ 備料時間:5分鐘 / prep time:5 mins
★ 所需時間:10分鐘 / total time:10 mins
∮ 派對小點★焦糖爆米花★所需食材 Ingredients for Caramel Popcorn ∮
爆米花材料 For Popcorn
@ 爆米花用玉米粒 1/2 杯 \ 1/2 Cup Popping popcorn kernels
@ 植物油 1大匙 \ 1 Tablespoon vegetable oil
焦糖醬材料 For Caramel
@ 二號砂糖 1&1/4杯 \ 1&1/4 Cup light brown sugar
@ 有鹽奶油 100克 \ 100g Salted butter
@ 鮮奶 1/3杯 \ 1/3 Cup Milk
∮ 派對小點★焦糖爆米花★作法 Direction of Caramel Popcorn ∮
1. 將爆米花粒和蔬菜油倒進鍋中攪拌均勻至每一顆都裹上蔬菜油,接著以中小火加熱並攪拌約5分鐘至爆米花粒開始爆出白色的爆米花後,蓋鍋蓋讓爆米花粒開始“炸開”,記得中間要時不時地搖晃鍋子避免燒焦,等到所有爆米花粒爆的差不多並且聽不到“炸開”的聲音後即可熄火等個2~3分鐘再開鍋蓋,將爆好的爆米花裝在大碗中,順便挑出沒有爆的玉米粒即可以完成。
Set the popcorn in a big pot and coat with vegetable oil evenly. Stir the popcorn kernels continuously on medium low heat about 5 minutes until the popcorn kernels pop. cover with the lid ASAP after the first pop. Shake the pot frequently to keep from burning. You will hear the pop sound slows down after few minutes, turn off the heat and wait for 2~3 minutes then open the lid. Fill the popcorn in a big bowl and discard the unpop kernels, set aside.
2. 接著就可以做美味的焦糖醬囉! 將砂糖與奶油放入平底鍋中,以中小火將奶油與砂糖拌勻至溶化。接著倒進牛奶攪拌均勻,熄火後,靜置約5分鐘
Cook the sugar and salted butter in a saucepan with medium low heat, stir until melt. Pour in milk, stir evenly and turn off the heat, set aside about 5 minutes
5. 最後把將焦糖醬淋在爆米花上拌勻就可以邊看電影邊享用囉~~
Coat popcorn with caramel and stir evenly then bring them with you to the movie night~~
做好的焦糖醬有著濃濃的香味,爆米花跟焦糖的結合可以說是非常的完美!! 非常適合當放假日“沙發馬鈴薯們”的零嘴~你們說是不是呢~~
∮ 貼心小提醒 Notes ∮
★ 做好的焦糖醬可以裝在果醬瓶或鍋璃罐內,可以冰在冷藏約三週~
The caramel sauce can store in a jar and put in the fridge for up to 3 weeks