從台南吃喝玩耍回來,也提了一袋姊姊給的愛心酪梨(好港動~),話說小姐好愛吃酪梨(酪梨真的是營養多多的好水果啊!!!),但是從澳洲回來後的這大半年,大概是產季還未到,以至於一直都遍尋不著酪梨的蹤跡(有點懷念在澳洲超市裡隨時可買到酪梨的日子.....)。所以這回我可是把那一大袋酪梨去皮處理好後,妥妥當當放在夾鏈袋中,然後存放在冷凍庫裡面(因為這樣就不怕沒得吃XDDD)。光是現在這一秒我腦海裡就浮現好多酪梨的料理,每一道都好想做來吃,如果你也跟我一樣愛吃酪梨,那就快去促進農業經濟消費,買一袋回來存放吧!!!! 那麼,我們就從簡單又無負擔的水果奶昔開始囉~~~~~
∮ 酪梨莓果優格奶昔 Avocado berries yogurt smoothie ∮
★ 數量:約600ml / yield:about 600ml
★ 備料時間:5分鐘 / prep time:5mins
★ 所需時間:5分鐘 / total time:5 mins
∮ 酪梨莓果優格奶昔所需食材 Ingredients for Avocado berries yogurt smoothie ∮
The standard measuring cup (250ml) was been using in this recipe
@ 酪梨 半顆 \ 1/2 Avocado
@ 冷凍綜合莓果 1杯 \ 1 Cup frozen mixed berries
@ 無糖希臘式優格 1杯 \ 1 Cup plain greek style yogurt
★ 忘記或想知道希臘式優格做法的朋友可以點這裡噢!!
@ 蜂蜜 2&1/2大匙 \ 2&1/2 Tablespoons Honey
@ 檸檬汁 1茶匙 \ 1 Teaspoon lemon juice
@ 香草精 1/2茶匙 (可加可不加) \ 1/2 teaspoon Vanilla extract (Optional)
@ 香草冰淇淋 適量(可加可不加) \ Vanilla ice cream for dressing (Optional)
~酪梨莓果優格奶昔做法 Directions of Avocado berries yogurt smoothie~
1. 半顆分量的酪梨用湯匙取出果肉,切成塊狀與冷凍莓果一起倒入果汁機中。
Peel and chop the avocado into pieces, add avovado and frozen berries to blender or food processor.
2. 接著加入無糖優格,香草精,2大匙蜂蜜與檸檬汁後一起攪打均勻,並視甜度加入剩下的1/2茶匙蜂蜜(或者不加也可以)。
Add plain yogurt, vanilla extract, 2 Tbsp honey and lemon juice. Blend all ingredients together, add reaming 1/2 tsp honey as desired.
3. 如果覺得奶昔太濃稠,可再加入2~4 大匙的鮮奶或水。
Add 2~4 Tbsp mik or water if the smoothie is too thick.
4. 完成後倒入準備好的玻璃杯中,請務必趁新鮮立馬喝掉!!!!
Pour the smoothie in a large glass, serve it immediately!!!!!!!!
Or add a tasty vanilla ice cream on the top if you want ( I swear that you'll love it !!!!)
∮ 貼心小提醒 Notes ∮
★ 想要讓奶昔喝起來也有冰沙的口感,不仿將酪梨切塊冷凍後和少許冰塊放入果汁機中攪打喔!!
If you want a sorbet texture, freeze the chopped avocado before use and add some ice cubes when blend the ingredients!!