月圓人團圓!! 大家準備好要大口吃肉大口喝酒了嗎?話說烤肉這件事是每年小姐家不能缺少的,每年的烤肉可以說是準備的好豐盛,尤其是瘋狂的海鮮大餐,是那種吃完一輪會撐三天狀態。而且我一直覺得吃來吃去還是台式烤肉比較好吃又豐富,因為澳洲烤肉一直漢堡排香腸的,吃久了真的會讓人感到膩歪.....去年小姐人在國外無法參與盛會,今年說什麼當然不可以錯過,所以我已經準備好肚子,蓄勢待發,準備開吃~那你們呢!! (我很好奇大家的烤肉清單啊~~~~)。那麼今天就來介紹這個可以解膩的小甜點,完全可以替大家的中秋烤肉增色不少呦~~~一起看下去!!
∮ 檸檬方塊酪 Lemon Bars ∮
★ 數量:12片 / yield:12 pieces
★ 備料時間:10分鐘 / prep time:10mins
★ 所需時間:120分鐘 / total time:120 mins
∮ 檸檬方塊酪所需食材 Ingredients for Lemon Bars ∮
The standard measuring cup (250ml) was been using in this recipe
∮ 餅皮 Crust ∮
@ 無鹽奶油 115克 (室溫軟化) \ 115g Unsalted butter (soften)
@ 香草砂糖或細砂糖 1/4杯 \ 1/4 Cup Vanilla granulated sugar or granulated sugar
(香草糖的做法請點這裡 See the direction of vanilla sugar here)
@ 中筋麵粉 1杯 \ 1Cup All-purpose flour
@ 全麥麵粉 1/2杯 \ 1/2Cup Whole wheat flour
@ 鹽 1/4茶匙 \ 1/4 teaspoon salt
∮ 內餡 Filling ∮
@ 雞蛋 3顆 \ 3 Eggs
@ 細砂糖 1&1/4杯 \ 1&1/4Cup Granulated sugar
@ 檸檬皮 1顆 \ Lemon zest from 1 lemon
@ 檸檬汁 1/2杯 \ 1/2Cup Lemon juice
@ 中筋麵粉 1/2杯 \ 1/2Cup All-purpose flour
@ 糖粉 適量 \ Icing sugar for topping
@ 檸檬片 4~5片 \ 4~5pieces Sliced lemon
∮ 檸檬方塊酪做法 Directions of Lemon Bars ∮
1. 烤箱以180℃ (350℉)預熱,烤盤鋪上一張烘培紙,將軟化的奶油,糖和鹽用攪拌器混合均勻至呈現淡淡的鵝黃色。
Preheat oven to 180℃(350℉),line the parchment paper in a baking pan. Beat soften butter, sugar & salt with mixer until fluffy.
2. 加入中筋與全麥麵粉繼續攪打均勻成團。
Add flour in the smooth mixture and mix well until becomes a dough.
3. 將麵團填入烤盤中,用手指壓平麵團並貼合烘培紙,放入烤箱以180℃ (350℉)烘烤15~20分鐘至表面稍微金黃,接著從烤箱取出靜置冷卻(約20分鐘)。
Set the dough into prepared baking pan and press with your fingers. Bake for 15~20 minutes until light brown, remove from the oven, set aside and let it cool completely.
4. 烤箱繼續以180℃ (350℉)預熱,取一顆檸檬,用刨絲器將檸檬皮取下(注意不要刨到白色的部分,不然會苦苦的)。
Preheat oven to 180℃ (350℉),grate lemon zest from one lemon (Do not grate the white part of lemon, it will cause a bitter texture)
5. 將雞蛋,細砂糖,檸檬皮與檸檬汁攪打均勻。
Whisk the eggs, sugar, lemon zest and lemon juice together.
6. 最後加入麵粉攪打至無顆粒狀。
Then whisk in flour and mix well.
7. 將麵糊倒在已冷卻的餅皮上,放入烤箱烘烤35~40分鐘(180℃)。
Pour the mixture all over the top of crust and bake for 35~40 minutes (180℃)。
8. 烤好後取出冷卻約15分鐘,切成小方塊後放入冰箱冷藏(約30分鐘),上桌前再撒上糖粉和檸檬片。
Remove the lemon bars from the oven when its done and let it cool for 15 minutes. Cut in small pieces and pop in fridge (about 30 minutes). Dust with icing sugar and sliced lemon before serving.
The lemon bars is such a good choice after the BBQ party, isn't it?
∮ 貼心小提醒 Notes ∮
★ 糖粉跟檸檬片是選擇性,可加可不加~
Icing sugar and sliced lemon are optional, add or skip them as desired.