其實小姐這樣一週一篇文章,有時候也是會詞窮,就像是現在,這一刻,at this moment,我又到了必須擺一些零食跟煮一杯咖啡放在旁邊才會有靈感的狀態。是的,就在剛剛,喝完咖啡後終於有一些靈感來了,話說這次要做的荷蘭鬆餅其實不是從荷蘭來的,而是從亞美利堅國(America啦!),這鬆餅源自于90年代初期,一間位於西雅圖叫做Manca's的咖啡店,而Dutch pancake這個名字就是當時咖啡店老闆的女兒取的名字。所以說如果你有荷蘭來的朋友可不要很開心地問他們會不會做荷蘭鬆餅,因為他們有可能會摸不著頭緒的回問你什麼是荷蘭鬆餅啊~~Anyway, 雖然這間Manca's cafe有荷蘭鬆餅的註冊商標,但很不幸他們在1950年就關門大吉,不然我一定會親身去嚐嚐Dutch pancake的滋味(殘念)。👀(資料來源:Wikipedia)
然後我要分享一下(雖然大家可能已經發現,但我還是當小雞婆說一下😚),最近在大一點的超市跟全聯都有看到進口藍莓的蹤跡,我著實的開心,因為這樣我就不用每次光是為了買藍莓這傢伙就要跑Costco,方便極了。特別是藍莓這位朋友可以拿來做很多料理,我想,方便採買的確是幫大家省了不少事,尤其是看完食譜很想動手卻因為買不到食材的那種囧態現在完全被解除,希望大家可以因為這樣的方便性而趕快去採買一下這樣(不知不覺就在幫藍莓打廣告😜),那接下來就 keep reading吧!! Go~~~
~~藍莓迷你荷蘭鬆餅 Mini Dutch baby blueberry pancake~~
★ 約5個 / yield:about 5 small size Dutch pancakes
★ 備料時間:10分鐘 / prep time:10mins
★ 所需時間:20分鐘 / total time:20mins
~荷蘭鬆餅所需食材 Ingredients for Dutch pancake~
The standard measuring cup (250ml) was been using in this recipe
@ 中筋麵粉 1/3杯 \ 1/3 Cup Plain flour
@ 鮮奶 1/3杯 \ 1/3 Cup Milk
@ 雞蛋 2顆 \ 2 Eggs
@ 細砂糖 1&1/3大匙 \ 1&1/3T Caster sugar
@ 香草精 1茶匙 \ Vanilla extract 1 teaspoon
@ 鹽 一小撮 \ A pinch of salt
@ 無鹽奶油 適量 \ Few unsalted butter for greasing muffin tins
~藍莓醬所需食材 Ingredients for Blueberry filling~
@ 水 1/2杯 \ 1/2 Cup Water
@ 細砂糖 1/3 杯 \ 1/3 Cup Caster sugar
@ 玉米澱粉 2大匙 \ 2 Tablespoons Cornstarch
@ 新鮮藍莓 1杯 \ 1 Cup Blueberries (可以預先拿個4~5顆藍莓起來做裝飾用 ♥︎ Save 4~5 bluberries for decoration as desired)
~做法 Directions~
1. 烤箱以200℃ 連同空的馬芬烤盤一起預熱,接著低筋麵粉與砂糖倒入大碗中
Preheat oven and muffin tins to 200℃ (400℉), add flour and sugar into a large bowl
Whisk in milk and vanilla extract until well combined
Then add eggs into batter mixture and whisk until combined
2. 將預熱過的馬芬盤小心的從烤箱中取出,在其中五個烤模中各放約1/2茶匙的奶油
Remove preheat muffin tins from oven carefully, add about 1/2 teaspoon unsalted butter into 5 tins
Once the butter melted, filled the tins with batter mixture to 1/2 full and bake for 18~20 minutes unitl golden brown on the edge and puffy
While the pancake is baking, cook bluberry sauce at this moment
~做法 Directions~
1. 將水,砂糖,與玉米澱粉倒入湯鍋中以中小火烹煮,並同時用打蛋器拌勻 (約2分鐘)
Add water, caster sugar and cornstarch into a saucepan, whisk until well combined and cook with medium low heat for 2 minutes
2. 接著加入藍莓,用湯匙以按壓的方式邊壓邊攪拌煮約5分鐘即可熄火
Add bluberries and press them with soup spoon, stir constantly, cook for 5 minutes and turn the heat off
Fill the Dutch baby pancake with blueberry sauce and serve immediately~~~~~
~~貼心小提醒 Notes~~
★ 荷蘭鬆餅剛從烤箱取出時會很蓬,遇到冷空氣後就會縮回去是正常現象,當鬆餅呈現微溫狀態時就可以吃了!
The Dutch baby pancake will puff up when its done and shrink once remove from oven, be sure you serve when it's still warm~
★ 如果手邊沒有藍莓醬也可以換成草莓果醬或者單純撒上糖粉也可以
You can replace the blueberry sauce with strawberry jam or without both and instead of icing sugar!